AutoPulse Resuscitation System
I was browsing the excellent MedGadget blog and, lurking in the Emergency Medicine section, I found mention of the new Revivant (sold through Zoll) AutoPulse Resuscitation System. A participant in one of my ACLS Provider classes mentioned this device and provided me with a brochure. I thought I'd share news of this innovation with the blog.

Manufactured by California-based Revivant Corp., the device was in development and testing for four years and has been on the market for little more than a year. Dozens of fire departments, ambulance services and hospitals across the country have started using it, according to the company and news reports.
The device, which looks like a big chest belt, generates blood flow across the chest area. A patient is placed onto a platform similar to a backboard, and a belt is strapped across the chest. After the push of a few buttons and simple instruction prompts from a small LCD screen, the machine automatically sizes and adjusts to the patient and begins compression. The belt then alternates between snapping tight and slackening, to induce blood circulation.
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