CPR Glove

From Medgadget:
The CPRGloveTM is a significant development in cardiopulmonary resuscitation technology. It is a portable, inexpensive, and adaptive device designed to greatly improve the success rate of cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR). As simple as putting on a glove, this device will jump into action in an emergency, calmly guiding you through the life-saving steps of CPR. The CPRGloveTM also includes an array of sensors that immediately provide you with important feedback. Not only will the CPRGlove improve emergency CPR, but it will also help improve both CPR training and testing. What most distinguishes CPRGloveTM from all other technologies is that every component is completely incorporated into a wearable glove, increasing device accessibility, portability and autonomy.
The CPRGloveTM has been named one of the Top Ten Inventions of the Year by Popular Science Magazine.
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