Saturday, June 04, 2005

Prehospital Vocabulary Roundup

I was tipped off to this feature of the Journal of Emergency Medical Services (JEMS) website by GruntDoc. As a paramedic, I feel compelled to share.

Past Words That Should Be in the EMS Dictionary But Aren't.

A couple of favorites...

Yelp-Swerve: n. A sudden act by civilians to avoid an emergency vehicle, characteristically presented as a wild turning of their steering wheel to the right or left (whichever is most dangerous). Also referred to as “Siren Shock.”

Proximity pain: n. Discomfort that increases and is expressed more loudly as an EMT, triage nurse or doctor approaches, rapidly dies away as providers recede, and rapidly and loudly recurs when providers return. Rapid and effective relief is obtained when the patient can no longer see any medical personnel at all.

Drama alert: n. Any minor complaint that is exacerbated by numerous family members/friends believing it to be life-threatening (aka the infamous stubbed toe call). Usually results in having a hysterical patient on your hands.


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